You could be the most beautiful model on the catwalk tomorrow. Simply… by getting married! Because perhaps not everyone knows it, but there is a fashion “apart”, a dedicated fashion , a fashion that thinks big and only thinks of one day: that of marriage. In fact, wedding dresses are just as important as clothing. Even if used for only one day. And the number one event in the world usually takes place in Spain, in Barcelona: the Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week every year welcomes thousands of visitors and insiders. In fact, like all clothing items, they too have their own stylists, their ateliers and their special fashion shows.. The shops you go to in search of the beautiful white cloud that you will wear refer to precisely this kind of events. The weeks of ” bridal fashion “.

Fashion week for the bride
The fashion week for brides in Barcelona experienced very successful editions right from the start. It first appeared in 2000 thanks to an initiative from the Swiss biocosmetics company Valmont.
For the first time the catwalks and the big names in fashion gave space to brides , their dresses and their beauty, organizing a princely event dedicated to the protagonists of the wedding: the brides.
Since then , an ever-increasing success has encouraged the organizers to replicate the Spanish festival year after year, also freeing themselves from the all too classic laws and taboos linked to the world of wedding dresses.
Today, Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week is an event that involves important themes, internationally renowned artists and of course beautiful models . All with the standard goal of giving brides a spectacular day.
The charm of Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week
Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week usually takes place over a week in spring. The event is divided into two distinct moments: four days dedicated to the public, exhibitions, cultural evenings; the weekend, on the other hand, is reserved for professionals – shopkeepers, stylists, producers.
The evenings dedicated to the public, in addition to clothes, offer cultural entertainment events linked to specific themes such as racism, violence against women, respect for the environment.
The final two-day, on the other hand, has a slightly more technical imprint, linked to those who make the wedding dresses and therefore come to learn or propose new techniques and test different fabrics.
The setting in Barcelona is not accidental. Perhaps the most lively, fascinating and magical city in all of Spain, with the views of its beaches, its buildings with an unmistakable style, its ramblas, and a natural stage that lends itself perfectly to the occasion.

The protagonists of this Fashion Week
The protagonists of the Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week event are certainly the stylists . And since creating wedding dresses is not a job for everyone, the names of the few talented masters of the sector are little known to the masses. But the level of quality is very high.
They may not be Valentino, Armani or Chanel but for those who work in the sector their names are just as important.
A Jesus Peiro dress, a creation by Inmaculada Garcia, or by Cymbeline, by Jenny Peckham – just to name a few – are marvels of bridal fashion that have nothing to envy to the Parisian or Milanese collections.
This year’s event
This year’s event is held in spring, in April: the new dates are April 20-24, 2022, with the event returning to being live and in traditional form as well.
The event was divided into:
- fashion show;
- days instead dedicated to the real soul of the event, represented by the fair;
For more information on the Barcelona event dedicated to bridal fashion, please visit the official website of the event or write an email to [email protected].