What is the mantra?

The word  mantra  comes from Sanskrit, its meaning is ” free the mind “, in other languages ​​it can take different names such as shingon in Japan or mandaluo in Chinese. In practice it is a  recited formula  that can be associated with religious songs or Christian prayers. The meaning of the mantra lies more in the sound of the words than in the intrinsic meaning of the words themselves.

This formula, recited as a chant, is recited as a sacred, mystical or magical chant. The most used function is that of  invocation , to bring those who recite them to the divine part with the aim of elevating the spirit. The same notion of mantra derives from Indian beliefs, in fact we find mantras in different religions: Hinduism, Brahmanism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Vedism and Jainism. Thanks then to Buddhism, the mantras spread throughout Asia and then became known all over the world.

The practice of mantras

The  recitation of mantras  accompanies different moments of the day and of the life of the faithful, especially Hindus. There is a mantra for every purpose and depending on how it is used it can produce different results.

Mantras can be  recited aloud  or even just  whispered  or mentally repeating them, the thing to always respect, for them to be effective, in the recitation of a mantra and intonation. Furthermore, the mantra can only be learned through the teachings of a guru, it cannot be learned from the texts.

Even just  listening to the recitation of mantras produces beneficial effects : the first is certainly the ability to relax and reduce stress. During housework, at dinner or while practicing yoga or physical activity, music and mantras such as those that we can find on the  shankara.it portal , can help regulate the breath and free the mind.

Benefits of mantras

Mantras are also the subject of study of different sciences : the rhythmic vibrations of its sounds would have benefits on the human body. The various sciences involved, such as medicine or psychology, study the beneficial effects on people in the short, medium and long term. The periods examined are two weeks of the short term, eight weeks of the medium term and an established habit in the long term. Here are the  main benefits  resulting from research on mantra recitation:

    • Increased pain tolerance;
    • Decrease in stress levels;
    • Increased relaxation capacity;
    • Enhance cognitive development in children;
    • Reduces blood pressure;
    • Rebalancing the two cerebral hemispheres;
  • Reduces the levels of anxiety and depression.

How to get more benefits from reciting or listening to mantras?

This type of music  helps in times of high stress  but is not to be limited to critical periods. Listening to these sounds every day or whenever possible, brings beneficial effects that accumulate over time and allow you not to have high stress peaks. Indeed, for those who have problems with insomnia or have difficulty falling asleep, listening to this Indian music in bed with the light off, facilitates mental and physical relaxation leading to sleep.

If you feel like taking some time for yourself, put this music in a distraction-free room with the light off or very dim. They can aid in the relaxation of scented candles or light scented incense.

Another method to facilitate your relaxation and take care of yourself, being able to move everything into the bathtub, perhaps with whirlpool.