New year and many new birthdays coming to the entertainment world. In fact, 2018 will be full of important celebrations among the VIPs of our house who will turn 40 years old .
Beautiful, happy and always at work in the spotlight, that’s who the 40-year- olds of the new year are . Even if it doesn’t seem like it, time passes and even on them you begin to glimpse some white hair but their charm remains as it was at the beginning.
All very famous and beautiful do not show their age at all . Yet, according to the personal data, they too age like ordinary mortals. Perhaps, in addition to luck, and also thanks to some tweaks never revealed.
An important milestone that of the first “wings” that will surely be celebrated in a big way by these Italian VIPs.
Let’s find out together the 15 VIPs who will turn 40 in 2018 >>
15) Gennaro Gattuso
The new year brings new birthdays. In fact, 2018 will mark an important milestone for Gennaro Gattuso who on 7 January blew out his first 40 candles. The Milan coach has not yet lost his determination and tenacity and his dream is to remain anchored for a long time to the bench of the team with which he has won a lot, during his career as a footballer. Rino was born in Reggio Calabria in 1978 and since 2004 and happily married to Monica Romano , with whom he had 2 children : Francesco and Gabriella .

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14) Gianluigi Buffon
Check the name of another sportsman on this list of VIPs celebrating his 40th birthday. In fact, Gianluigi Buffon was also born in 1978, in Carrara , on January 28th . Archived forever the marriage and the alleged betrayals and was seen with his new partner, Ilaria D’Amico , visiting a church. I wonder if the new year will bring good news in love to the goalkeeper of the national team as well as make him cross the threshold of the “door”?

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13) Silvia Salemi
The singer-songwriter Silvia Salemi and another VIP who will blow out 40 candles on her birthday cake on April 2nd . Silvia became famous in 1997 by participating in the Sanremo Festival and winning the critics’ prize with the song A casa di Luca. In addition, she and she returned to the Ariston stage in 1998 and 2003. she Recently she told that, due to the death of her sister, she had even lost her voice but her willpower overcame the pain. her.

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12) Luca Argentero
Among the famous birthdays there is also the one that Luca Argentero will celebrate . In fact, the Piedmontese actor was born in Turin on 12 April 1978. 2018 is an important year that will certainly be full of work. In fact, after becoming famous thanks to the third edition of Big Brother , in 2003, the charming Luca has never left the world of entertainment. A few white hairs and a few more years have certainly not affected the charm of Argentero.

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11) Valentina Lodovini
Best wishes also to the actress Valentina Lodovini who turns 40 this year. On May 14th 1978 she was born in Umbertide and she has come a long way. In fact, she was awarded the David di Donatello award for best supporting actress . After the hilarious comedies of Benvenuti al Sud and Benvenuti al Nord , maybe we will see her again in a new and funny interpretation in which she challenges her fear of her: her dizziness.

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10) Alessandro Red
The elegant dandy of Romanzo Criminale , Alessandro Roja was born on 4 June 1978 and this year he will celebrate his 40th birthday. Many candles to blow out for the actor who married Claudia Ranieri and with whom he had a son , Orlando . Thanks to his wife and son, Alessandro declared that he had filled the void he had felt for some time.

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9) Angela Rafanelli
40 candles also for Angela Rafanelli . Before reaching the small screen, Angela swept acting at the Teatro Piccolo in Milan , only later did she reach fame thanks to the Mediaset television program Le Iene . Like Alessandro Roja she too was born in June and on the 13th she will have crossed the threshold of the “doors”.

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8) Marta Cecchetto
Marta Cecchetto who, after long years of love, finally married her Luca Toni, was born on June 18, 1978. After a difficult period due to the loss of their first child who was named Edoardo, Luca and Marta started smiling again thanks to the 2 children : Bianca and Leonardo .

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7) Eleonora Abbagnato
Summer birthday also for Eleonora Abbagnato . In fact, the dancer, now director of the corps de ballet of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma , was born in Palermo in 1978 and on June 30th she will be 40 years old. Elegant and beautiful about her, we wish her to be able to enchant the public for a long time with her grace in the art of dance.

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6) Virginia Raggi
The mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi , also blows out forty candles . Between one controversy and another, the young Raggi of the Cinque Stelle movement will also enter the world of forty-year-olds on 18 July . She who knows if she, at least for that day, she will manage not to be attacked by accusations and innuendo about her work in the capital.

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5) Maccio Capatonda
Maccio Capatonda , pseudonym of Marcello Macchia and born in Vasto , on 2 August 1978. Even the actor, director and comedian blows out 40 candles.

4) Marco Bocci
Beautiful indeed beautiful even at 40 years old. In fact, Marco Bocci was born in Marsciano on 4 August 1978. He will certainly celebrate his first 40 years together with his wife Laura Chiatti and their little Pablo .

3) Christiane Filangieri
Happy 40th birthday also to the actress, model and presenter, Christiane Filangieri who was born on August 21, 1978.

2) Elisabetta Canalis
To celebrate his 39 years he went crazy, what will he do for 40? Elisabetta Canalis who misses home, perhaps for 12 September , her birthday, will return to our country.

1) Paolo Ruffini
Winter birthday for the nice presenter Paolo Ruffini who blows out the forty candles on November 26th .