There are phrases that differ from the rest because of how beautiful they are, so much so that they touch our hearts, whether it is friendship or love, even if they talk about life and help us reflect on the path we are currently taking. You will surely love these beautiful phrases and I am sure that many will remind you of many feelings that you have with a person or a situation in your daily life . You can enjoy these beautiful phrases however you want, either by copying them to your WhatsApp status or downloading the images that we have prepared for you and using them on Instagram or another social network. Conquer someone or make them think about life and love with these cute phrases. Sure will thank you.

Cute phrases for WhatsApp

  • We all keep a secret that we are ashamed to reveal, something that we regret but need to remedy and a love that we will never forget.
  • Good things happen every day. We just have to realize them.
  • Love is always shy before beauty, while beauty always walks behind love.
  • If I haven’t told you, in case I’ve forgotten, in case you haven’t heard it for a long time, in case you have doubts or just because, you have to know that I love you.
  • To gain the trust of a person, you must first show that you also trust.
  • Think big but enjoy the small pleasures.
  • It is madness to love, unless you love madly.
  • I love you from sunrise to sunset, I love you from moonrise to sunset, because I can’t stop thinking about you my love.
  • True friends are there when the rest leave you lying, they stay by your side while others have left.
  • Your life is not so determined by what it brings you as by your attitude towards it; not so much because of what happens to you as because of how you interpret what happens.
  • The drop of water pierces the rock, not because of its strength but because of its constancy.
  • How can I ever forget you? If you are my sun and my land.
  • Every time I think of happiness, you come back to my mind.
  • Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
  • Even if it is impossible for you, do not claim anything. Swallow poison. Accept injustice, that everything balances out in the end.
  • I know that we are really in love with each other, but the love I have for you is such that I need the need to remind you every day, my love.
  • Love is wisdom in the mad, and madness in the wise.
  • We can complain because the rosebushes have thorns or rejoice because the thorns have roses.
  • Never forget that great achievements require time and patience.
  • How I would like to be your tears, because they have been able to pass through your heart. What I would give to be them, even if it was only a second part of your heart.
  • Best friends motivate you even when you yourself have stopped believing in your possibilities.
  • The secret of human freedom is to act well, without attachment to results.
  • It’s crazy to hate all the roses just because one pricked you, like giving up all your dreams just because one of them didn’t come true.
  • If there is something that I like more than your smile, it is when you smile when you see me.
  • Do not give up, because often people throw in the towel when they are very close to success.
  • New day, new thoughts, new hopes and new opportunities.
  • You don’t get to the top by beating others, but by beating yourself.
  • By your side the hours are seconds, but without your company the seconds become hours.
  • The heart is the only part of the body that acts with hope, so listen to its messages.
  • The greater the difficulty, the more glory there is in overcoming it.
  • Open your heart and don’t be afraid of being broken. Broken hearts heal. Protected hearts end up turned to stone.
  • You can be sure that a second by my side is like an eternity in paradise.
  • The brain is wary of defeat, but the heart rejoices in the most intense experiences of life.
  • Taking personal responsibility is a beautiful thing because it gives us complete control over our destinies.
  • You will not learn to love when you find the perfect person, but when you get to see someone imperfect perfectly.
  • If you are in love with two people at the same time, the best thing you can do is stay with the second, because, if you were really in love with the first, you would not have noticed the second.
  • I dream of you when I sleep, I write to you at dawn, I smile at you when I look at you… You have become the love of my life.
  • If you go looking for love you will never find it because love was never lost; only we get lost.
  • At least I can say that even having lost, it was better to love than never to have dared to love.
  • I am attracted to the difficult, I like what is really very complicated, but unfortunately I fall in love with the impossible.

cute phrases to fall in love

Love is unique, especially if it is truly lived, that is why we have wanted to write you some beautiful phrases to fall in love, in addition to others that are to value the friendship you have with your friends and even to reflect or think about your life and the objectives that you have programmed in your daily routine. These phrases will help you face all your fears, valuing what you most want and appreciate, so that everything you have by your side is happiness and joy. Remember that you can share beautiful phrases with all your friends so that they feel special, just as you can share them with your family, since they have always been there for you at all times and sometimes it is good to appreciate people and tell them in a way so original