Many people wonder why when they wake up their hands feel numb, like a tingling that runs through them. This annoying sensation can even cause several awakenings throughout our sleep if it occurs frequently in the same night .
Therefore, we are going to try to decipher what causes waking up with numb hands, a phenomenon that is not always what is generally believed.

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Why do I wake up with numb hands
These are some of the possible causes that explain why when we wake up we feel numb hands.

1. Retain fluids Fluid
retention occurs when we weigh more than we should, if our lifestyle is sedentary, or if the diet we follow is not entirely correct.
Although it is believed that fluid retention occurs mainly in the feet, the hands can also present this condition and swell, resulting in the characteristic tingling that could explain why when we wake up we have the sensation of numb hands.
In this case, the ideal would be to consult a doctor to recommend how we can do to stop feeling this itching.

2. Vitamin B deficiency
Poor nutrition is often related to adverse symptoms.
When our body experiences a lack of certain nutrients, such as vitamin B, our body suffers: we feel more tired, with the sensation of falling asleep in the corners and with overload in the hands and legs, as if we had exercised them for several hours.
The consequence of this vitamin deficiency is, therefore, that our hands fall asleep during the hours of the day when our body begins to relax from all the accumulated stress.

3. Overloading of the hands
There is practically no daily task that does not require the use of our hands. The second most likely cause that explains why the hands fall asleep has to do with the use we give them. From typing on a computer in an office, to handling weight on an assembly line, through the use of specialized machinery or instruments; are some of the causes that make the dolls suffer .
It is towards night when the pain worsens, since the ligaments of the hand have spent the whole day enduring great levels of tension and, when they stop exercising them, they begin to free themselves from this excess of exercise; giving us cramps in the area.

4. Carpal tunnel syndrome
The carpal tunnel is the nerve that runs through the wrist on the inside, between the bones of the wrist and the ligaments.
The pathology of carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to excess pressure that constricts the nerve when the wrist area is exercised too much. Although most cases are not severe and can be reversed with hand stretching exercises or by immobilizing the affected wrist; In other cases, surgical intervention is necessary for the pain to subside.
The manifestation of carpal tunnel syndrome can be a direct consequence of the previous point, and will especially affect the middle, index and thumb fingers. This happens because the pain spreads from the wrist to the fingers, which can also explain why sometimes we have the feeling that our hands have fallen asleep. As we said, when night comes and, in principle, having your hands more relaxed than during the day, this uncomfortable sensation will appear.

5. Blood supply cut
Probably the reason why this phenomenon occurs more frequently is because of the posture that our body takes while we sleep. Sometimes we fall asleep with half an arm under our body, which leads to the blood flow not being able to fully irrigate our hand, causing cramps or the typical tingling.

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What solutions are there so that our hands do not fall asleep?
There are home remedies that can help us combat an evil as annoying as tingling and that will prevent our hands from feeling numb when we wake up.

1. Hand massage

Many musicians stretch before and after playing their instruments for long periods each day. This type of exercises to prevent subsequent fatigue in the hands and the consequent tingling due to numbness; They also go well for anyone, whether they are a musician or not.

2. Put your hands in a bucket with cold water
Before going to sleep, we can fill a bucket or container where our hands fit with cold water (if you dare, even with ice),to relax the tension in nerves and tendons after use, avoiding pain .
In this way, the chances of feeling numb hands will be reduced.

3. Put on wrist
supports Compression wrist supports protect the ligaments of the hands and wrists from future discomfort due to excessive exercise. In any pharmacy they can recommend which are the best, along with some cream that you can apply in the area.

4. Drink plenty of water during the day
If we acquire healthy habits such as keeping the body hydrated throughout the day, the chances of suffering from fluid retention and, consequently, numbness in the hands are reduced.

5. Flax oil
Apparently, this oil is a natural anti-inflammatory. A tablespoon a day may be enough to stop our hands from going numb when we wake up.

6. Reduce foods with salt and carbonated drinks
The stealthy effects of a diet with excess salt, as well as the consumption of carbonated drinks can induce swelling of the muscles, which will press on the nerves and cause the pain in the hands that we are talking about .

7. Increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin B
Cereals, tuna, eggs, bananas or potatoes, as well as pharmaceutical supplements that provide us with this vitamin that, when it is lacking, can explain why when we wake up, our hands have fallen asleep .

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