Studying a career is probably one of the best ways to enjoy a good period of time in our life cycle. Between each exam period, there are months of rest or at least relaxed study that can be combined with fun, extracurricular activities and partying, lots of partying.
Of course, choosing a career is also difficult, especially if we take into account the difficulties that exist when entering the labor market. But before that, we are worried about the possibility of not finishing the race because it is too difficult . For this reason, we bring this ranking of the easiest careers in Spain, for all those who find it difficult to sink their elbows, but want to have a university degree.
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10 easy careers that (almost) everyone approves
Next we are going to show the careers with the highest approval rates . Keep in mind that there are some careers more vocational than others, therefore, you can find high rates of approval in very difficult careers as we will see in our special mention. The opinion of the students of the same careers has also been taken into account.
Therefore, if you do not have a favorite career and vocational, it will be good to keep in mind which careers are easier , otherwise, forget about the statistics and launch yourself to fulfill your dream.
10. Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
It is one of the careers with the most approved subjects according to the Ministry of Education (below Teaching, Journalism, Medicine and Audiovisuals). However, students do not ensure that it is as easy as to top this list.
On the one hand, the practical contents make it quite bearable for many, on the other hand, its subjects more related to health areas such as anatomy, make it somewhat more difficult than one might expect a priori.
9. Psychology
The mental health career is one of the careers with the greatest offer of places in Spain. However, despite offering a dubious job opportunity and very questionable official master’s degrees, students enter year after year with great enthusiasm.
The subjects related to neurology and statistics (which are not few) make it difficult to take at times. However, after these bad drinks, the future psychologist enjoys like a child thanks to the interest generated by his contents.
8. History and History of Art
Careers in the social and legal sciences, together with those in the arts and humanities, are perceived by their own students as much easier than careers in science, health sciences and engineering (respectively).
Both history and history of art are quite simple for many careers (as long as you have a certain predilection for them) with approval rates above 80% .
7. English Philology (and others)
Language subjects, in general, have high pass rates compared to the rest.
6. Sociology
The understanding of the human being in his environment has always intrigued many people, at the same time, having to study such interesting and descriptive content of the world around us allows the sociology career to enjoya low difficulty according to their students and very high rates of approval .
5. Journalism
Journalism is a career with a large amount of practical content and activities that allow the student to enter its content in a fairly comfortable way.
4. Social
Work Social work has a slightly higher job output (if compared to other similar careers) and its students say it is quite easy. At the same time, in this position we can include the orientation area . Perhaps it is due to his motivation to make this world a better place?
3. Social education
Along with the previous career, Social Education is the third easiest career on our list. It has a lot in common with its predecessor, and has a high pass rate as its students confirm its ease.
2. Fine Arts
Fine arts is a career with a pass rate of around 90% of those who take the exams. Its low work output makes it at the same time a very vocational career such as philosophy.
In a world where beauty is what sells the most and the first thing that is sought after, it is paradoxical that this career has so few exits.
1. Magisterium
This race is popularly known by many for being one of the races (if not the easiest race) of all those that are offered in the Spanish territory. There have been few memes and jokes about it.
Leaving aside this type of opinion, the majority with derogatory intentions, the truth is that teaching is also a very vocational career.
On the other hand, both primary school teachers and children’s teachers should be in this first position . In large part, due to the great load of practical contents that are taught from the beginning, which greatly facilitates their overcoming.
Other cases
Other examples of easy careers, although not as popular or in demand, are dance, music, protocol or advertising .
Special mention: Medicine
It has been seen that there is a close relationship between people who pass the selectivity exam with the best grade and the chances of getting a degree.
That’s right, having a good grade in selectivity is the best indication that someone is going to get the degree . This creates a confusion in the statistics, since careers like medicine have the best approval rates, but not because they are easier. On the other hand, courses with very low cut-off marks have high failure rates, despite not being as complex as law or medicine.
In fact, medicine is not an isolated case. Careers such as Dentistry and Biotechnology register some of the highest rates of approval, due to the great vocational burden, rather than its hypothetical facility.
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The masters
The case of the masters is very similar to that of the races, but even more accentuated if possible . The vast majority of masters record pass rates close to 100% . Does this mean they are easier than the race
? Probably not.
A first factor to take into account is the great vocational strength that the student has when entering a master’s degree, which is often closer to their true dream than the career itself , since it is usually too general.
The other important factor is thatIn most masters you are usually more flexible than in the degree . Reciprocally, professionals and evaluators know that their students are there for a profoundly intrinsic motivation (in most cases), which makes them closer and more accommodating. At the same time, these students have paid large sums of money… Maybe it has something to do with it.