The 50 best phrases about brothers for dedications

Brothers must always be united and to achieve this both parties have to do their part. Being united during childhood and adolescence is not complicated. When the problems really come is when you reach adulthood and each brother begins … Read more

30 questions to get to know someone better by chat

Breaking the ice in a chat is not always easy. Starting a conversation with someone we don’t know can sometimes be quite expensive. Either because the other person is already talking to many people or because our presentation hasn’t caught their attention…Read more

65 phrases for bachelorette parties

Bachelorette parties are very fun and at the same time emotional. When a bachelorette party is given, all the friends of the future bride get together to tell her everything they love, as well as to enjoy a night of much …Read more

42 phrases to make a woman laugh in chat

One of the most important acts in life is to be happy and also to make the people around you happy. You can also take this premise when you want to make a woman laugh through chat, thus making her day happy. …Read more

30 phrases and famous quotes for older sisters

The sisters are our confidants, our strongest support that we have in life, our joy and despite the fact that many times we have to deal with them for any fight or fight, it is true that they will always love us and deserve … Read plus

25 short condolence phrases for friends

Undoubtedly, life has very difficult moments such as the loss of a loved one, but it is in those moments more than ever when we have to be close to our friends, family and loved ones to accompany them in grief and in this stage. …Read more

The 20 best funny rhymes with names to break the ice

Rhymes with names can help a lot, whether we are talking about adults or children. In the case of older people, they can be done in different dynamics so that each one thinks of a rhyme, as long as it is not too … Read more

40 essential phrases to travel to Brussels

Brussels is a magnificent country to visit, since it has many monuments and buildings that will leave you speechless due to their beauty, but it is also a place where you can meet nice people, very nice, with whom you can share one of their dishes.. .Read more

30 funny and funny profile phrases with which you will look great

Profile photos are our sign of identity, the way our friends and acquaintances see us. If you want to look great with some funny and very funny phrases, in this list that we have prepared you will find many with which you will surely … Read more

Great birthday dedications for crazy friends

We all have that special friend who makes us laugh out loud with her craziness no matter how angry or sad we are. And, when it is hers, her birthday, we try to work three times as hard to give her, on her day, a tiny portion of all the happiness that she gives us during the … Read more

The 25 best phrases for bachelorette party t-shirts

Our party and event customization experts have handpicked the best bachelorette party t-shirt phrases they could find by checking out different parties and events. If you are interested in knowing these phrases to get ideas or you just want to laugh for a while, keep reading because … Read more

The best phrases for chats

Chats are places where you can meet many different people, friends from all over the planet with whom you can have a good time and even, in some cases, flirt. However, if you don’t know how to break the ice in a chat, we will give you the … Read more

Messages to congratulate a birthday

If the birthday of a loved one is approaching, it is best to have one of the best happy birthday messages that we bring you here and that you can share on social networks or even write on a postcard to give with your gift. This… read more

Phrases to congratulate

Congratulating a person is an act of humility, this small gesture becomes a positive action, very nice for which the person who receives said congratulations feels much better, and the bond that unites them, be it love, …Read more

Phrases for TUMBLR

Tumblr is an awesome social network where you can share just about anything. It is very interesting if you want to make yourself known, write a few lines about something in general that has happened to you in life, or simply to write some of the best phrases for Tumblr that you … Read more

Happy Birthday Phrases

Original happy birthday phrases You are already a year older, you are closer to retirement. Happy Birthday. May all your dreams come true and may I see it. They say that the most important thing in friendship is sincerity. Forgive me, but you… read more

Friendship phrases for WhatsApp

The best thing that can happen to us in this life is to have some faithful and loyal friends by our side, who help us in bad times and in good times, make us feel that we are the happiest people in the world. If this… read more

Birthday congratulations

A person’s birthday is an event in which everything should be happiness and joy for the birthday person. For this there is always laughter, one of his best friends and family is surrounded, in addition to good food and drink. …Read more

Funny phrases for friends and friends

Friendship is full of unforgettable moments, and the best experiences are found with these people who selflessly share your time, making your joys much greater and your sorrows less. But with friends you also have a good time … Read more

Phrases for Instagram friends

Instagram is one of the most installed and used social networks all over the world. With its innumerable filters, its possibilities and how easy and comfortable it is, it is not difficult to understand why many friends decide to write friendship phrases for Instagram, devoting … Read more