Mafalda is an endearing character created by the Argentine-born comic strip artist Quino. This little girl represents the youth of this country, especially those who have concerns about life, politics and in general, about the world in which we live, telling, in an audacious way, the problems of our society and that, although it has been reflection of the Argentina of its times, it can be extrapolated to any corner of the planet. We invite you to know the best-known Mafalda phrases, where you will learn a lot about peace, feminism, family and many other topics, which on the one hand will make you smile, but on the other they will put you to the test, making you think of the society.
Mafalda phrases about life
- Everyone likes dogs, yet no one knows what “woof” means.
- The downside of TV reports is that you can’t answer a journalist at that moment.
- How’s life? Do we carry life ahead, or is life leading us ahead?
- The claim that all past times were better is not true. The problem is that those who were worse off hadn’t realized it yet.
- An independent country is very different from another In the pending.
- Everyone believes in their country, the question is whether the country believes in us.
- Each person has their own concern, however small or large it may be.
- If we are not capable of changing the world, it is the world that changes us.
- So small and already saying inconsistencies.
- Wouldn’t it be more progressive to ask the question where are we going to continue, than where are we going to stop?
- As always, what is urgent never leaves time for what is really important.
- It is horrible to see how society cares more about a television program than what happens in the world.
- Soup is to childhood, what it can be to democracy for communism.
- Is it possible that modern life has more modern than life?
- They say that justice always wins, but no one raises the bills.
- One of these days I’ll sit down and think if Susanita or the soup gets sick more.
- Our planet is more like a space tenement.
- What if instead of planning so many things, we don’t fly higher?
- It is known that man is an animal of habit, but I see it as customary in the end, man is an animal.
- Parents have already gained the power of the home when children are born.
- The problem with the family is that everyone wants to be the father.
- If you cry for having lost the Sun, the tears will never let you see the stars.
- In the world, the law of compensation always works. You raise your voice, and they lower your gray hair.
- Hey, where should we push this country so that it can move forward?
- Does it bring storks to embarrassing situations?
- Having more evolved worlds and I had to be born here.
- Each Ministry with its mini-hysteria
- Today I entered the world through the back door.
- Worst of all, getting worse is just the beginning of getting worse.
- Stop the world I want to get off!
- It’s always late, when happiness is bad.
- It’s great that we’re made of mud, but why don’t you take some of the swamp away for us? – Phrase said to God.
- I think the world is getting sick, Asia hurts.
- From this humble chair, I call for world peace.
- There are many men of principles, but it is a pity that they never let them continue from the beginning.
- As always happens, once we put our feet on the ground, the fun is over. – Getting off a swing.
- This world is increasingly full of people, but fewer people.
- When I grow up I’m going to work as an interpreter at the UN, when someone from one country tells another that their country sucks and sucks, I’ll translate it as wonderful, this way there will be no more wars.
- Rights must be respected, it will not happen as with the ten commandments.
- The important thing is to take what is artificial completely naturally.
- Life is beautiful, but many confuse beauty with ease.
- It is not that goodness does not exist in the world, what happens is that it is incognito.
- Haven’t you thought that if it weren’t for the whole world, no one would be anything?
- There will never be someone left over.
- The important thing in the world is to be yourself.
- Errare politicum est
Famous phrases of Mafalda
Mafalda’s phrases are witty, funny, and with an incredible social load, that’s why we invite you to share them with your friends if you liked them, so that they too know first-hand everything that this little girl has to teach us. . Each of Mafalda’s quotes are parts of dialogues from Quino’s comic strips and we recommend that, if you don’t know the complete work, you read it to discover a new thought that, although written many decades ago, is resembles the times we are living today. You will give a touch of fresh air to your thoughts, discovering new Mafalda phrases that will make you fall in love and that you will not stop reading at any time.