The ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ franchise has five installments despite being planned as a trilogy. In all five, Johnny Depp has been the protagonist, even receiving an Oscar nomination for his role as Jack Sparrow.

In the last of these five movies, Jack Sparrow shared adventures with Carina Smyth (Kaya Scodelario), an astrologer who helped him on his mission to find Poseidon’s trident. In ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge’, important details of Smyth’s character were revealed, and according to the actress she had signed on for a sixth movie. She seems like, finally, she won’t be like that.

‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, without Carina Smyth and without Jack Sparrow
According to rumors circulating around the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ saga, Disney, producer of the saga since its first installment, would have put an end to the stories of Jack Sparrow , one of the most mythical characters in recent cinema.
It doesn’t look like it’s an economic issue, since the fifth ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movie grossed nearly $800 million . However, it is a saga that began almost 20 years ago and with which an entire generation has grown. However, in cinema, as in so many other disciplines, it is a question of renewing oneself or dying.
The idea that is gaining strength seems to be to do a reboot of the saga with a female lead leading the cast.. An idea that seems appropriate in these times, when it is more sought to have female protagonists in action movies, who break stereotypes and that girls and women around the world find inspiring.
This would mean that the cycle (brief in her case) of Carina Smyth as a character in ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ would also have been closed.

Kaya Scodelario Slams the Doors on More ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’
Kaya Scodelario as Carina Smyth | Disney
The actress, in statements to the Spanish website Sensacine, has made it quite clear that it is most likely that she will not repeat in more ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movies: “I don’t know. I love Carina. I think she’s kind of like the polar opposite of Keira Knightley’s character. She was the tough, poised, not-posh girl. I love that about her, but in my heart I think Carina found the ending she wanted, and her father finding out she was Barbossa’s daughter. I think that’s a really nice way to end her story. So I’ll be happy knowing that’s all it was.”
SPOILERS! This way of ending that satisfies Scodelario so much was discovering that she is the daughter of the legendary Captain Barbossa (played by Geoffrey Rush) and one of the most beloved characters in the saga, only to later lose him. END OF SPOILERS!
We are sure that the most staunch fans of the saga will be delighted with any news that Disney can give us regarding ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, whether it is the return of Kaya or the most likely reboot with a female lead. However it will be sad for many to lose a character like Jack Sparrow .
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