Language is a type of communication that includes both verbal and written forms, with the purpose of communicating between humans, our needs, concerns, thoughts , etc. As there are so many different messages, there are also many types of language to choose from to best fit the context in which we find ourselves.

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The types of language according to their context
Communication is a key element in our lives, since it is the key to forging good interpersonal relationships, in addition to ensuring a good adaptation to the various environments with which we come across, whether they are work, leisure or any other field.
Our distribution of the different types of language is made from two large groups, the language that we execute or carry out based on our adaptation to the environment or context in which we find ourselves, and the other large group is differentiated based on the element of communication selected to convey our message. There are also some types of languages ​​that do not fit into any specific group and that we will highlight later.
As we have already mentioned,language types are classified into two groups and one of them is the environment in which they are performed . To do this, we differentiate between various types of language, without necessarily being oral as we might think at first, to differentiate between what we can write on a regular basis in a text message and the way a writer writes a book, for example. 1. Informal or natural
language It is the language that we use habitually in our day to day, be it in any language, to communicate, and whose sole purpose is to make interpersonal communications possible. It does not matter if it is written or oral , but it is always used informally, unlike other types of language that may take advantage of more technical or specific terms.2. Artificial
language Artificial language is the type of language created for a specific field, only used for that field, and that in any other context is either useless or incomprehensible, such as technical languages. One of the clearest examples is that of programming, a language created so that computers are capable of receiving certain orders or functions, but that at the sight of a person without knowledge of the subject are simple numbers and letters out of order.
Within the artificial language we find another subdivision where we find the literary language, the scientific or technical language as well as the formal language. 3. Technical language (also used in science)
The language of jargons. In this type of language, the most technical terms of the language stand out above all, since to understand it, it is necessary to know it beforehand. The most significant difference between these two types is that the type of scientific language has as its purpose the transmission of knowledge in a theoretical way, the technician uses the same dynamics to transmit it, although with a practical purpose. 4. Literary language
The type of literary language is the one used in books and writings, as its name indicates. In summary, we can highlight that its greatest quality is the ability to use both a cultured and formal language, as well as using informal language tools at the same time. It is used in books and texts, but not orally. In this kind of language,character details can be very relevant , so making them vulgar can have a big impact on the book as a whole. 5. Formal language
Although the differences between this type and informal language are not many, the objective of the type of formal language is to give solemnity and importance to what is being done, which is why it is normally used in environments where it is assumed that the importance of the act is above individual people. The use of the verbal third person instead of the first predominates in the above all, with small modifications. Types of language according to the route of transmission
Here we find verbal and non-verbal language, a distinction made based on the way the transmitter uses to communicate his message to the receiver. 1. Verbal
language Verbal language is the most common in any environment, and is based on the use of words or groups of words to communicate a message to the receiver through an auditory route, generally. We are not referring only to the spoken language, but to the written and iconic language as well. 2. Oral language
It is the usual one, one of the first that we learn as children and one of the first to exist since the beginning of humanity. In order to perform them correctly, we have to gesture a sound or group of sounds, which grouped in the right way produce the word we all use. 3. Written
language Written language has all its equivalents in oral language, since that is what it is based on. This article itself is made through written language, which is what allows us to read . 4. Body language
Also known as kinesic language, it is composed from our movements, our looks, the way we move our hands and even our body odor, it determines the message we are transmitting . 5. Iconic language It is what we would know as hieroglyphs, as well as drawings or paintings. They use a physical medium to convey ideas, even if it is without using the properly known written language. 6. Facial language
When any of us smile, we move countless muscles, since the face welcomes many, causing all our body expressions. For this reason, the expressions we make with our face, largely determines our thoughts, or our feelings . 7. Non-verbal language
Once we have seen the verbal ones, we are left with two types of language, which we know as body or kinesthetic languages, as well as facial languages.

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