Today we are learning the greeting in Spanish. In Spanish there are various expressions for saying hello and saying goodbye. Do you know them all? Do you already know how to choose the right expression?

When we meet someone, we have a number of possible forms of greeting in Spanish to choose from. However, it is important to take into consideration the context, the situation and the type of relationship we have with our interlocutor.

To help you maintain a basic level of conversation, we list below a series of Spanish expressions and words that every student must absolutely know from the first approach with the language.

First, we need to distinguish formal and neutral greetings from informal ones. As mentioned previously, the linguistic register varies according to the situation (informal meeting with friends, a job interview, a visit to the doctor, etc.) and the type of relationship that exists between people.

So let’s learn the forms of greetings in Spanish.

Useful Spanish Greetings and Farewells For Every Situation

Do you want to learn greetings in Spanish? You may know that the classic Spanish greeting when two people meet is Hola , but it is important to remember that just as in English, greetings in Spanish also change based on several factors:

  • Time of day (morning, afternoon, evening)
  • The type of relationship between the interlocutors (formal / informal)
  • The difference between initial greetings (when you meet) and final greetings (when you leave)

As we explained earlier, the most common greeting between two people meeting is Hola. This greeting is used with friends, family and in general in informal situations. This is a greeting that can be used at any time.

Sometimes instead of Hola some people use the word Buenas or in some cases they use both greetings one after the other ( Hola, buenas ). Buenas is also an informal greeting that can be used at any time of the day.

When the situation is more formal, Hola (in english “Hi”) is replaced by other greetings, depending on the time of day:

  • Buen dia – Good morning (less common, used in Argentina).
  • Hola – Hello.
  • Bienvenido – Welcome.
  • Buenas – Hi (informal).
  • Buenos dias – Good morning.
  • Buenas noches – Good evening.
  • Buenas tardes – Good afternoon.
  • Adios – Goodbye.
  • Cuidese – Take care (formal).
  • Hasta la vista – See you next time.
  • Que tengas un buen dia – Have a good day.
  • Nos vemos – See ya Buenas noches – Good night.
  • Hasta pronto – See you soon.
  • Chao – Goodbye.
  • Hasta luego – See you later.
  • Que te vaya bien – Have a good day Cuidate – Take care (informal).
  • Hasta manana – See you tomorrow.

Spanish Morning Greetings

The first thing to learn in a language is greeting expressions. We will start with the good morning in Spanish. The expression buenos dias can be used as a standard greeting when meeting someone in the morning. In some more informal and familiar contexts buen dia can be used instead of the more traditional buenos dias. The use of this expression, correctly used, should be limited to the very intimate group of friends.

Good morning!
¡Buenos días!

Rise and Shine!
¡Levántate y brilla!

What a lovely morning!
¡Qué hermosa mañana!

Good morning sunshine!
¡Buenos días, sol!

¡Buenos días!

Did you sleep well?
¿Durmió bien?

Wishing you the best for the day ahead!
¡Le deseo lo mejor para el día que viene!

How are you this morning?
¿Cómo estás esta mañana?

What a pleasant morning we have!
¡Qué agradable mañana tenemos!

Good day to you!
¡Buenos días!

Have a great day!
¡Que tengas un gran día!

How do you do?
¿Cómo está usted?

Formal Greetings in Spanish

The formal context is that which occurs between people distant from a social point, between whom a so-called power relationship may exist, for example between boss and employee or between professor and student.

“Hola” is the most classic Spanish greeting, it is used at any time of the day and is equivalent to “Hi” in english but it is used only when you arrive and not when you leave.

Qué tal, cómo estás… although they are questions (how are you, how are you?) They are used to say hello and it is not necessary to answer “I’m fine, thanks”. If we don’t want to be too formal when we say hello in Spanish we can say “buenas” it is almost the same as hola with the same meaning, but less formal, it could be similar to the “hi” used in US.


¿Cómo se encuentra (usted)?
How are you doing?

¿Qué tal?
How are you?

Buen día.
Good day.

Buenos días.
Good morning.

¿Cómo le va?
How do you do?

Buenas tardes.
Good afternoon.

¿Cómo está (usted)?
How are you?

Mucho gusto.
It’s a pleasure.

Buenas noches.
Good evening.

Informal Greetings in Spanish

An informal greeting is what happens between friends, classmates, generally between people who have the same power relationship between them and who are close from a social and relational point of view.

Hola, Raquel, ¿cómo estás?
Hi Raquel. How are you?

Bien, Juan, ¿y tú? ¿Qué tal?
Good, Juan. And you? How are you doing?

Bien también. Gracias.
I’m good too. Thanks.

¡Hola, Ramón! ¿Cómo has estado?
Hello Ramón! How have you been?

¡Hola, Pedro! Muy bien, ¿y tú?
Hi, Pedro! Pretty good. And you?

Bien. Muchas gracias.
Good. Thank you very much.

Spanish Greetings and Responses


  • ¿Como estas? – How are you?
  • ¿Que cuentas? – What’s up?
  • Estoy bien, ¿y tu? – I am fine, and you?
  • ¿Como te va? – How are you?
  • ¿Como te ha ido? – How have you been?
  • ¿Que tal? – How are you?
  • Bien, ¿y usted? – Good, and you? (usted is more formal than tu).
  • ¿Que pasa? – What’s up?
  • ¿Como esta usted? – How are you? (usted is more formal than tu).


  • Estoy regular – I am regular.
  • Estoy exhausto – I am exhausted.
  • Estoy enfermo – I am sick.
  • Estoy un poco cansado – I am a little tired.
  • Estoy asi asi – I am okay.
  • Estoy mal – I feel unwell.
  • Estoy muy bien – I am very well.
  • Estoy fatal – I am terrible.
  • Estoy estupendo – I am great.
  • Estoy mas o menos. – I am so-so.

Spanish Greetings and Goodbyes

When you greet someone or say goodbye to him, you have to address polite words or plays on words, showing interest in his health or wishing him well.

The difference between “Greeting” and “Farewell” is that the first is used when two people meet, while the second is for when, after having met each of the interlocutors, they separate to go to another place.

Greetings in Spanish can be Formal or Informal, depending on who the interlocutor is. If you greet a friend you will do it informally, if you greet a teacher it will be formal. However, there are greetings that are invariable with respect to the interlocutor.

  • Hasta la vista – See you next time.
  • Hasta luego – See you later.
  • Cuidate – Take care (informal).
  • Hasta pronto – See you soon.
  • Hasta manana – See you tomorrow.
  • Que te vaya bien – Have a good day.
  • Adios – Goodbye.
  • Buenas noches – Good night.
  • Cuidese – Take care (formal).
  • Nos vemos – See ya.
  • Chao – Goodbye.
  • Que tengas un buen dia – Have a good day.

Christmas Greetings in Spanish

Very close to the long-awaited Christmas holidays and many of our readers will be wondering what to say merry Christmas in Spanish.

This year too, families from all over the world will gather on the occasion of the holidays to be able to live together the joy that these days bring with them. In fact, Christmas wants to remind us of how much we care about the people who are part of our life, beyond possible physical distances or language barriers.

In case you have a Spanish-speaking friend or relative, you can surprise them by offering them your best greetings for Christmas in Spanish!

This is why we have prepared a list of phrases that will help you share the magic of the holidays with Spanish speakers.

Our best wishes for Christmas.
Nuestros mejores deseos en esta Navidad

Que lo pasen en familia.
I hope you spend time with your family.

Que se cumplan tus deseos/sueños.
I hope your dreams come true.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Te deseo lo mejor en estas vacaciones

Hope you have a good/lovely time.
Que la pases bien/lindo

Hope all your wishes come true in the New Year.
Que se cumplan todos tus deseos en el ano nuevo

Hope you have a Christmas full of love/peace/joy/health.
Que tengas una Navidad llena de amor/paz/alegria/salud

Mis mejores deseos para Navidad y Año Nuevo.
My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Mucho cariño para ti y tu familia esta Navidad.
Lots of love to you and your family this Christmas.

Que en esta Navidad el mejor regalo que recibas sea estar junto a tus seres queridos compartiendo paz, esperanza y alegría.
I hope that this Christmas the best present you get is to be near your loved ones sharing peace, hope and joy.

Merry Christmas!
¡Feliz Navidad!

May God bless you and your family this Christmas / New Year.
Que Dios te bendiga a ti y a toda tu famila en esta Navidad / Ano Nuevo

Este año te deseo amor, dinero y salud.
This year I wish you love, money and good health.

Que lo pasen lindo.
I hope you have a nice time. (This refers to the Christmas celebrations themselves.)

Te deseo mucha alegría y felicidad estas fiestas.
I wish you lots of joy and happiness this holiday season.

Birthday Greetings in Spanish

¡Feliz cumpleaños!
Happy birthday!

Te deseo lo mejor.
I wish you the best.

Disfruta de tu día.
Enjoy your birthday.

¡Feliz aniversario!
Happy anniversary!

¡Felicidades / Enhorabuena por vuestro bebé!
Congratulations on your new baby!

¡Enhorabuena por el resultado de tus exámenes!
Congratulations for your exam results!

Espero que todos tus deseos se cumplan.
May all your wishes come true.

Qué tengas mucha suerte en el mundo laboral.
Good luck in the world of work.

¡Muchas felicidades!
Best wishes!

Greetings and Farewells in Spanish

The most common greetings when leaving are adiós and hasta luego. These two greetings can be used in any type of situation (formal and informal).

When you go away (despedida) you can also use these greetings:

Goodbye / Bye

Hasta luego
See you later / soon

Nos estamos viendo…
We’ll see you around

Nos vemos
See you

Saludos a … tu mamá, papá, etc.
Say hi to … your mum, dad etc

Hasta pronto
See you soon

Hasta siempre
A final goodbye, you will most likely not see each other again

Hasta nunca
Until never (as in, we’ll never see each other again, sometimes said when angry)

Hasta mañana
Until tomorrow

¡Cuídate! (very common en Chile)
Take care

Hasta la otra semana
Until next week

Te veo luego
See you soon


Hasta el próximo fin de semana
Until next weekend

Spanish Greetings Clipart