Localized itching is undoubtedly one of the most common problems that can affect the scalp  . This condition can sometimes be determined by psychological factors, and therefore by situations of stress or anxiety, or even real traumas; in other cases the origins can be traced back to external factors, such as for example an  inappropriate cosmetic treatment , contact with chemical agents, an incorrect diet or the use of wrong hygiene products. Identifying  the remedies for itchy scalp  presupposes, first of all, knowing the causes that generate it. When the problem is related to  bad habits, from a cosmetic or hygienic point of view, the problem can be remedied by correcting these habits. Conversely, if you are dealing with more serious situations, it is only by stopping the phenomenon that generates the itch that you can stop the discomfort.

Dandruff, seborrhea and dermatitis

Dermatitis  , dandruff and seborrhea are all examples of problems that may require ad hoc hair treatments capable of eliminating the problem at its root. Sulfur shampoo is also a valuable remedy for relieving the  itching sensation , as are nettle shampoo, chamomile shampoo and cortisone lotions. It is worth knowing, moreover, that at present a correlation between hair loss and itching has not yet been found at a scientific level, just as there does not seem to be an established connection between oily hair and itching.

Psoriasis of the scalp

A hereditary disease is  scalp psoriasis , which causes skin irritation and is characterized by the appearance of whitish scales or plaques. In this case, however, there is no itching, no hair loss occurs.


Intense itching, on the other hand, is one of the most significant characteristics of  tinea capitis , better known as ringworm. It is an infection that is caused by a fungus and that causes the formation of desquamated and erythematous patches, with the hair that appears dirty and breaks, as well as looking covered in dust: in reality they are the spores of the fungus. Not infrequently, itching can also be associated with very severe  pain in the scalp  . What is certain is that when, due to itching, the skin is rubbed in a prolonged and intense way, the upper part of the hair follicles becomes inflamed and can promote hair loss.

The production of sebum

The skin is also irritated  in the presence of seborrheic dermatitis, which is a source of inflammation that favors the appearance of skin erythema. Hair loss, folliculitis and the sensation of itching are all consequences of the problem: the tendency to scratch, then, triggers a vicious circle that only worsens the clinical picture further. Skin irritation is  often associated with hyperseborrhea which closes the end of the follicles. When the excess sebum is concentrated on the scalp, the skin does not transpire, and in the most serious cases it can lead to seborrheic alopecia.

Pollution, the ozone hole and dandruff

Among the causes of itchy hair,  air pollution should not be overlooked , which has a harmful effect like the ozone hole. Oily dandruff is characterized by the presence of scales that remain attached to the scalp due to the sebum. Dry dandruff, on the other hand, causes the scalp to appear dry, with cells that do not stick together but fall out. The difference between  oily dandruff and dry dandruff  is represented by the fact that in the first case the hair itch, while in the second it does not.