Established writers have achieved success thanks to their novels and their reflections on different topics. Nothing has escaped his thoughts, writing about life, love, friendship, among other ideas that have been developed over the years and that have given us the opportunity to enjoy this selection of the best phrases of love of established writers that you can share with your friends, reflect on the teachings they can bring you and even take many of them to make them a motto to face your life and your goals.
Short love phrases from writers
- There are loves so beautiful that they justify all the crazy things they do. Plutarch
- It is true that in the world of men there is nothing necessary, except love. goethe
- There is a sure way to reach every heart: love. Arenal Conception
- Love only rests when it dies. A living love is a love in conflict. Paulo Coelho
- Not being loved is a simple misfortune; the true misfortune is not to love. Albert Camus
- Neither absence nor time are anything when you love. Alfred de Musset
- In matters of love, the crazy ones are the ones with the most experience. Of love never ask the sane; the sane love sanely, which is like never having loved. Hyacinth Benavente
- What a shame that time passes, right? What a shame that we die and grow old and that good things gallop away from us. Roberto Bolano
- He who has only known his wife and has loved her, knows more about women than he who has known a thousand. Leo Tolstoy (read in
- You have to know that there is no country on earth where love has not turned lovers into poets. Voltaire
Love phrases from famous authors
- Love is the longing to come out of oneself. Charles Baudelaire
- A legal kiss is never worth as much as a stolen kiss. Guy de Maupassant
- Love letters begin without knowing what is going to be said and end without knowing what has been said. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Love is as important as food. But it doesn’t feed. Garcia Marquez
- Where there is no love, put love and you will find love. Saint John of the Cross
- I love you above all that we cannot see, above all that we cannot know. Federico Moccia
- Love is so short and oblivion is so long… Pablo Neruda
- You know you’re in love when you don’t want to go to bed because reality is finally better than your dreams. dr seuss
- Love for just a day and the world will have changed. Robert Browning
- Only an idiot can be totally happy. Vargas Llosa
Love quotes from famous writers
- He who can do without the loved one can do without everything. Andrew Maurois
- You don’t have to die for the other, but live to enjoy together. Jorge Bucay
- Why, if love is the opposite of war, is it a war itself? Benito Perez-Galdos
- We are born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through love and friendship can we create the momentary illusion that we are not alone. Orson Welles
- I am what you have made of me. Take my praise, take my blame, take all the success, take the failure, in short, take me. Charles Dickens
- If you want to know what a woman is really saying, look at her, don’t listen to her. Oscar Wilde
- I love how love loves. I know of no other reason to love than to love you. What do you want me to tell you besides that I love you, if what I want to tell you is that I love you? Fernando Pesso
- When love is happy, it leads the soul to sweetness and kindness. Victor Hugo
- In matters of love, the crazy ones are the ones with the most experience. Of love never ask the sane; the sane love sanely, which is like never having loved. Hyacinth Benavente
- When my voice is silent with death, my heart will continue to speak to you. Rabindranath Tagore