- If you are more than 90 you can also watch these series.
1. Spanish series of the 80s
2. American
series of the 80s Spanish series of the 80s
First of all, we recommend 6 of the best series of the 80s produced in Spain.
1. Golden Rings
An older lawyer decides, as a result of the approval of the Abortion Law in Spain, to set up an office specializing in couples’ law. The series deals with both the cases of the couples and the lives of her and her team . A series from the 80s that you should see if you are interested in both legal plots and taking the pulse of the recent history of our country.
2. Blue Summer
The Spanish series of the 80s par excellence. A season in which the summer vacations of a large Spanish family that were already in danger of extinction were treated. Iconic characters such as Chanquete, Pirana or Julia that are etched in the memory of the Spanish. It’s worth watching even though it’s been so long .
3. Central Brigade
Issued from 89 to 91. An elite group of the National Police that was specialized in complicated cases. The classic police series, very well done and with a cast of great actors . Among them Imanol Arias, who provided the differentiating element by being a gypsy policeman at a time when that was a very risky move.
4. Fortunata and Jacinta
The recreation of one of the masterpieces of Benito Perez Galdos had its niche on the Spanish television grid in the early 1980s. The story of Fortunata and Jacinto (for those who have not read the novel) is that of a choral representation of the Spanish society at the end of the 19th century with the “excuse” of telling the story of the two women who give the plot its name. A wonder of Galdos very well adapted to the small screen.
5. Los Joyos y las Sombras
Another adaptation of a key work of our literature. In the Galicia of the last years of the Spanish Republic, the ups and downs and changes in society during a convulsive and fundamental time are dealt with in order to understand the Spanish history of the 20th century.In thirteen chapters a marvelous literary trilogy is condensed ; If you don’t have time to read it, don’t hesitate to watch it. It is one of the series of the 80s that you should see.
6. Willy Fog around the world
We end our review of these Spanish series from the 80s with a nod to all those who were children in the 80s and 90s. Willy Fog was one of the legendary series on Spanish television, with the that many children learned geography, history and customs from all over the world while we lived Willy Fog’s exciting adventure around the world in 80 days; Jules Verne classic.
American 80’s series
While the Spanish series of the 1980s dealt with themes of customs or the new society that grew after the dictatorship, soap operas and police series triumphed in the United States .
1. Cheers
The mother of all sitcoms was one of the best American eighties series. With characters who met every day at the ‘Cheers’ bar to drown their sorrows and talk about their lives, Cheers took 28 Emmys out of 117 nominations over 11 seasons and was able to reflect an entire decade with humor and style. From Cheers came what would be one of the great series of the 90s: Frasier.
2.Miami Vice
Miami Vice was a pioneering series on American television in many ways. Despite having the typical police plot, it was not set in a city like New York, Chicago or Los Angeles, but rather in Miami, with all the typical atmosphere of the sunny city that Hawaii 5.0 and others later copied.In addition , the combination of a Caucasian police officer with an African-American one caused a furor and would be repeated in films such as Seven or Lethal Weapon.
3. Falcon Crest
The very wealthy owner of some very expensive vineyards in California sees how with the arrival of a new wine entrepreneur her economic empire and his position can falter. With this background story we can see an intricate plot that moves between family, love and business . A modern classic among the eighties series.
4. Moonlight
One of the American series of the 80s with a more bizarre plot. A supermodel has to take over a detective agency she had money invested in after her accountants scam her. A young Bruce Willis worked at the agency, in the role that catapulted him to fame. A series that marked an era both in the United States and in Spain .
5. Dynasty
Another of the so-called super soap operas that became so famous at the time like Dallas. Dinastia told the story of a family of oil tycoons and the vicissitudes they faced at a business and family level.. For 9 seasons, the characters that had some important role are counted by dozens, which gave rise to a very interesting plot of family generations.
6. Hill Street Sad Song
Another cop series that ranked among the best American 80s series. Contrary to some of the series that we mention in this post, Hill Street’s Sad Song became the quality reference series on the North American television scene . It was about a group of police officers who worked in a district of Chicago. The personal and the professional were mixed in the life of the police officers of the body and it was an example for all those who wanted to make great series from then on.
- If you are more of a movie buff, take a look at these great movies of the 90s.
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