Masturbation in extreme cases can be very harmful to the person. | Image: Marvin Meyer
Let’s face it: just about every man or woman has masturbated at some point in their life. The reason?
Because he feels good, because we like the high that comes from having orgasms. Due to the ease to achieve it, masturbation serves as an escape route, either because we feel depressed, excited or to escape from the worries that plague us; Likewise, resorting to pornography during this practice multiplies the pleasure received.
What we will deal with in these lines is about those people who resort to masturbation compulsively, because they have developed a degree of dependency so strong that they believe that it will allow them to reach an optimal level of functionality for their daily life. Not only that, but they associate it with porn consumption constantly.
We will also know what the No Fap Challenge is, the revolutionary challenge that encourages you to stop masturbating and watching porn for a season ; In addition to finding out what its benefits are. The influence of pornography on masturbation
When sexual maturation begins in adolescence, many young people begin to surf the net exploring pages of porn content, motivated by the fascination that sex produces in them and with which they are beginning to be familiar . YThe most common way of knowing what sex is is through onanism .
Many will not be surprised to learn that in the highest search categories on the Internet are porn pages or casual contact websites. Parallel to porn, let’s say ‘classic’, we currently have a wide variety of sub-genres to satisfy all kinds of sexual fantasies.
In fact, it is more the idea of having new and rewarding content at your fingertips that motivates these searches. Novelty produces serotonin and that gratifies us.
This has to do with what is known as the “Coolidge effect”, which posits that most mammals have a tendency to lose interest in a single sexual partner and seek the more, the better.. It is a biological effect that also happens to us human beings.
Apparently, Mother Nature likes to have males sexually activated to fertilize as many females as possible and thus ensure the survival of the species. It seems incredible, but without this effect there would be no pornography. The attractive power of porn lies in the ease of obtaining results : a computer with an Internet connection is enough to open the way to thousands of links from all categories.
It is very common to find that young people and adults find in the network of networks a means that allows them to multiply the pleasure of their sexual release. This contributes to reinforcing the vicious circle in which many addicts find themselves and which ultimately has negative consequences for their social life. As we will see later, the No Fap Challenge will try to turn all this around. Excessive masturbation and consumption of porn
Why masturbating very often, along with recurrent visits to pornographic can make the person addicted?
Because, unlike other rewards that are obtained with sacrifice or dedication, the one that gives us the porn requires no more effort than a few clicks on the computer.
The same goes for repeated masturbation. Both of these are examples of instant highs that are easily accessible once you have some degree of intimacy. This close connection between activity and pleasure makes it so addictive .
The problem with it all is that fans of porn or who masturbate a lot tend to report lower levels of satisfaction. The cause of this paradox lies in the dopamine pathways: when we constantly reward our brain, these circuits get used to receiving the same amount of stimulation; and this is how habituation appears. To feel the same effect again as at the beginning (and not decline), consumption must increase, in the same way that occurs with alcohol or drugs.
Thus, these little shots of pleasure would have the same effect on our desire to go out to socialize, that they would decrease. After all, for people who are addicted to masturbation and pornography, there is nothing out there that encourages them to interact with their peers .
It would be the equivalent of rewarding our dog with his favorite treat for nothing. In the long run, he would stop associating the reason why we give it to him, which will make it more difficult for him to internalize certain behaviors. No Fap, abstinence from masturbation and pornography
For a few years now, forums and cyber platforms promoting the No Fap Challenge have become popular, a provocative movement thatHe urges his followers to put aside onanism and overcome their dependency on porn by focusing on other habits.
The name of No Fap comes from the onomatopoeia “fap, fap!”, which is the way to illustrate the sound that male masturbation has in some comics. But beware: although it is a current designed and promoted mainly for men, it is not intended to exclude those women willing to try it .
In these support groups (a kind of meeting of anonymous alcoholics for the Internet generation), the experiences of abstinence are shared; as well as the changes that the person feels, in addition to encouraging those who have not tried it to join the cause.It’s important to stay busy for the first week or two to avoid relapse , so find an activity or activities that will prevent this.
Therefore, the challenge is divided into two parts: disconnect and reconnect. Disconnect from addiction to Internet sex and masturbation; and reconnect or redirect to other practices. It is very important to focus on this second point! Benefits of
the No Fap Challenge Does the No Fap Challenge have any advantages?
Yes, those who have tried it report a series of rewards that could be summarized in the following points:
- Increased energy levels : ideal to direct it towards other activities.
- More motivation : or less personal laziness to undertake projects.
- Increased self-confidence : Lack of confidence is what leads addicts to withdraw into themselves and become suspicious of establishing new interpersonal relationships.
- More desire to socialize : the direct consequence of the previous point. When the body is deprived of immediate pleasure, it will eventually adapt accordingly, granting the energy and capacity necessary to achieve it.
If someone is thinking of trying it, they should “customize” the challenge to their needs and choose a significant enough time to consider that they have overcome it; so that it will depend on the days and times of the week in which it is played. After this period, it will be in the hands (and never better said) of the person, to continue with this deprivation or return to their masturbatory routine.
At this point, there are those who may think “Isn’t it bad for the body to spend so much time without ejaculating?
”. Simply NO. The body by itself ends up regulating the excess production of sperm, which will give rise to what are known as ‘nocturnal emissions’. Let no one be scared by the term, they are simply spontaneous ejaculations that take place while we sleep, due to excess libido. Sometimes they are accompanied by erotic dreams.
Another frequently asked question is: “Can I have sex if I am following the No Fap Challenge
” Of course YES. This practice only demands giving up masturbation (along with porn), which does not imply that we cannot have sex (of any kind) with our partner.or sporadically if the opportunity arises. So they can touch us, practice oral sex and there can be penetration. The point of No Fap is not giving ourselves pleasure during times of solitude. What if I just keep watching porn videos?
It depends on each person’s self-control: there are those who are able to visit web pages with sexual content but without feeling the urge to masturbate while they do it. For others, however, both things are linked. In both cases, we recommend not to fall into temptation to avoid relapse . What does the No Fap experience report?
Those who one day decided to direct their efforts towards other life habits (when they used to watch pornography and masturbate before) have learned to dedicate them to other tasks.They strive to succeed to achieve what they want, instead of reinforcing themselves for doing nothing (or masturbating all the time, if you prefer).
What is learned with this experience is to value dedication and its positive consequences. In this way, dopamine levels will rise, increasing our mood. Such is the fame that the No Fap Challenge has acquired over time, that even world-famous people have decided to try it to experience its virtues .
Let no one think that we deny the benefits of masturbation, quite the opposite, since masturbating occasionally has positive effects . is wine bad
No, it is even said that a drink a day is favorable for blood circulation. However, one or two bottles a day will have a negative impact and will end up making us addicted to this drink.
So if you plan to join the No Fap experience, you already know what you should do and how it will affect your day to day life. Who knows?
Maybe you have more stamina than you thought and you don’t need to do it anymore.