We’ve all experienced those days when you seem to lack the inspiration and motivation to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself, needing to find a reason to keep pushing.
If you have also had those moments in which it seems that nothing you do is enough to be better and achieve your goals , we want to bring you the best psychology phrases to inspire you. These have been carefully selected so that they can motivate anyone who wears them and give them the encouragement they need to continue with their day to day and fulfill all their dreams.
As you can see, they are almost all famous quotes from well-known and/or famous people who achieved their goals even in those moments when it seemed that they had everything against them. For this reason, we recommend that you read them when necessary and that you choose the one that most applies to your case, so that you can internalize it and use it as a mantra to convince yourself that everything will be better, as the motivational specialists at InstitutoSomosValencia recommend. it is.
30 phrases to inspire people
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else ‘s life .” Steve Jobs.
“I have failed over and over and over again in my life. Precisely for that reason I was successful .” Michael Jordan.
“We become what we think about.” Earl Nightingale.
“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago ; the second best time is now .” Chinese proverb.
“Follow your heart , but don’t forget to take your brain with you .” Alfred Adler.
“If you don’t bother to work for your dreams , someone else will end up hiring you to work for theirs .” Steve Jobs.
“People don’t care who they ask for advice. I only bother to receive advice from those people who are where I want to be ”. Robert Kiyosaki.
The mind is like a parachute : it only works when it opens.
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right .” Henry Ford.
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, the same goes for showers, that’s why we take them every day ”. Zig Ziglar.
“There are two days that are the most important in your life: the first is the day you are born and the second is the day you discover why you were born.” Mark Twain.
“You are what you do , not what you say you will do.” C. G. Jung.
“Emotions that are not expressed never die. They are buried alive and come out later in much worse forms.” Sigmund Freud.
“If an individual is intellectually passive , he will not be morally free .” Jean Piaget.
“All people speak of the mind without hesitation for a minute, but are perplexed when asked to define it.” BF Skinner.
“When we take time to notice the things that are going well for us, it means that we are receiving small rewards throughout the day.” Martin Seligman.
“One has the obligation to become what he can become.” Abraham Maslow.
“I’m not in this life to meet other people’s expectations , nor do I feel like the world should meet mine.” Fritz Pearls.
“Sometimes we have to make a decision and we don’t and this, in itself, is already making a decision ”. William James.
“There are two ways to be happy in this life: one is to play the idiot and the other to be.” Sigmund Freud.
“I guess it’s tempting to treat everything like a nail , especially if the only tool you have is a hammer .” Abraham Maslow.
“If you want to truly understand something, you just have to try to change it .” Kurt Levin.
“The real problem is not if machines think , but if men do.” BF Skinner.
“The word “ happiness ” would lose its meaning if it is not balanced with sadness ”. C. G. Jung.
“There is a lot of randomness in the decisions that people make.” Daniel Kahnman.
” Creativity is closely related to our ability to find new answers to old problems .” Martin Seligman.
“We constantly find great opportunities that are brilliantly masked by intractable problems.” Margaret Mead.
“Time spent in the company of cats is never wasted.” Sigmund Freud.
“False optimism sooner or later turns into disappointment, anger and despair .” Abraham Maslow.
” Education survives when what has been learned is forgotten.” BF Skinner.