The offer of portable computers is as varied as there are brands on the market. Each company launches its products, which they promote as the fastest, with a better connection to the network and with more longevity.
Although one goes blind when preparing to make a purchase like this, especially if we take into account the inexperience of many users, the truth is that some brands of laptops have an alarming history of failure of their terminals and that should make them reconsider if it would not be Better to opt for another alternative. Therefore, we advise you to keep in mind that these are the worst brands of laptops on the market. What considerations to have before buying a laptop
Recognizing which brands of laptops it is advisable to buy or, on the contrary, leave on the shelf, is not always easy. Listening to the comments and recommendations of acquaintances, relatives or friends about X or Y brand of computers does not seem to be the most reliable method on which to base our purchase . So that first mistake to avoid.
Secondly, you have to make sure you choose a brand that has good customer service, so that, in case of any problem, they attend to our claims without constantly passing our call from operator to operator without anyone doing anything about it.
Finally, for those who have a more pragmatic vision and try to be as objective as possible basing their decision on statistics on the percentage of errors and reliability of laptops, it should be noted that, although these are usually reliable, they are not always correct. . Statistics are not absolute truths, they are indicators that are not exempt from error, so we can find a defective unit that we casually take home , when we were confident that we had found the best on the market. Attend to our personal needs beyond benefits
And it is that, as in everything, we are always trying to achieve what is best IN EVERYTHING, as if hoping to win a competition against others to see who wins the laptop, tablet or mobile phone with the best value for money.
Now, beyond this contest of egos, we have to stop to consider what we really need , so that what we end up buying fits what we are looking for. In other words, if we need a laptop to write articles and use little more than Google Drive, we will aim for a simpler range of laptops with fewer features. If, on the other hand, we have to edit videos using complex editing programs, we will have to spend a little more money and go for something more complete.
Attending to our needs, plus the considerations discussed in the other point, can increase the chances that we make a good purchase. The 5 worst brands of laptops
When we buy a laptop, we always want it to last as long as possible and the less it breaks down, the better.
Now, if you want to avoid headaches, here are the 5 laptop brands you should avoid buying: 5. Acer
Although for many users they are synonymous with quality, for others, Acer brand laptops have long since ceased to be what they once were , which has caused confidence in the company to be lost, negatively affecting its reputation.
Apparently,the brand has been accused of reducing the costs of its production and using lower quality materials than they used to resort to, hence the number of complaints or repairs required by Acers have increased over time and its overall rating has descended. 4. MSI
Although they are highly recommended in the gamer world, thanks to their characteristics and possibilities that they offer, it seems that the technical support of the MSI is one of the worst that brands could have , precisely one of the points that we advise to look at with a magnifying glass . 3. Razer Although it is recommended for video game fansIt seems that the Razer are also suffering from an insufficient technical support service, compared to what they are usually worth. A bronze that is in danger of becoming silver. 2. Samsung Although in mobile telephony they are direct competition with those of the apple , when it comes to laptops, it seems that they still have a long way to go, because it is not exactly Samsung’s strong point. We give them the money when it comes to the worst laptop brands and we hope they put their batteries to improve. 1. Microsoft
And the worst brand gold in making laptops goes to Microsoft. When the manufacturers of the brand had the opportunity to improve the flaws of their products, they just released a model (the Microsoft Surface Book with Performance Base) whose only built-in novelty was in the docking, but nothing that boosted its speed or reduced the number of malfunctions. A spear in favor of HP
Probably more than one person has clicked on our article hoping to find in the list of laptop brands whose purchase is the least recommended, the much-maligned HP. Although it is true that they have earned the fame of being one of the most defective brands of laptops, it would not hurt to take advantage of the situation to claim that, little by little, HP is polishing its defects.
Special mention receives its customer service, becausetheir coverage in terms of guarantees is quite complete and they do not have the reputation of leaving their clients hanging.
By the way, before anyone can get the brilliant idea that we advertise the HP brand or that we take some commission for doing an image wash, we will comment that these lines have been written with an Asus. All the best.