You don’t have to be a science professional and have a laboratory like Rick Sanchez’s to be able to carry out some home experiments like the ones we bring today. These simple experiences are as entertaining as they are instructive , and can be carried out using materials that we have at home or that are sold in the supermarket.

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7 home experiments for children and adults that you can do at home
Science is boring
The following home experiments prove the opposite.

1. Lemons as a substitute for batteries
We know how extremely toxic is the mercury contained in batteries and batteries that power many electronic devices. Many home experiments like this one represent an ecological and effective alternative in equal parts that allow us to save some money. To be able to do it, you only have to get 2 lemons, 3 clothespins, 4 coins and a few centimeters of copper wire.

1. Cut the lemons in two with the knife andmake paths indentations to each of the halves to embed a coin per piece.
2. Next,Drive a screw into each half.
3. Thread the copper wire through the screws so that the four halves stay together. Secure them well using the tweezers.
4. Connect the ends of the cables to an electronic device, which will turn on and work without problems. The phenomenon that occurs occurs because the electrons of the screw pass to the coin and, from there, the current occurs.

2. Tornado in miniature
Home experiments offer us a simple way to observe on a small scale one of the most devastating meteorological phenomena in nature . In this case, the whirlpool will be formed with water, but also, what other materials do we need for our little tornado?
The upper part of a plastic bottle (with its cap), a plastic container with a lid, the spoke of a bicycle wheel (the metal filament), the nut of the same spoke and a CD.

1. Make a trepanation in the lid of the plastic container and in its base. This will help us later to support the radio of the bicycle.
2. We hooked two pieces of the plastic of the CD to one of the ends of the radio. We will let the tip of the radius protrude a little above the plastics that we have glued; so it can be fixed to the hole in the base of the plastic container from below, and to its lid, from above.
3. We have to cut the upper part of the bottle into strips (10 – 12), but not in pieces, but only so that they open like flower petals. Once done, we open them to serve as blades for the future wind turbine.
4. We drill the cap of the bottle, we embed it in the end that remains of the radius and we screw the neck of the bottle.
5. We fill the container with water and join both parts. It is only necessary to go to find where the wind blows the most so that it makes the blades of the bottle turn .

3. Portable domestic compass
Home experiments like this can save us in case of finding ourselves in extreme situations.

Building our own compass can be achieved by gathering these materials: a bottle of water, some pliers, a marker, a metal object (a fork or a knife themselves), a safety pin, a glass jar with a lid, a cutter and a bottle cork (although a portion of cork will also work white).

1. We cut a portion of the cork, approximately the thickness of a bottle cap. On the surface, we will write with the marker the initials of the 4 cardinal points: N,E,S,O .
2. We open the safety pin, which will be the needle of our improvised compass and cut the area where the metal twists. We are interested in staying with a straight filament. To charge it magnetically, we will rub it on the metal object.
3. With this needle, we pierce the side of the cork, so that the magnetized tip stands out at the height of the “N” that marks north.
4. How do we know that this homemade compass points where it has to point?
Simple, fill the container with water and place the cork on top of the surface . The magnetic force will rotate this piece until it points north. If you want to take this home experiment with you on a trip, close the glass container with the lid and put it in your travel backpack.

4. Rocket made with matches
High-flying people are in luck, because we bring a manufacturing method to obtain a rocket made from matches. However, although we are describing home experiments for the little ones and, despite its simplicity, it is better that in this case especially, an adult handles the material.
Get a box of matches, a roll of aluminum foil and a large clip that we will use as a launch ramp.

1. Cut off the match heads and stack them aside.
2. Take a few inches of foil and give the body of the rocket a custom shape. Use a small elongated object as a mold and cover it with silver paper. Once you have given it the shape you want, remove it and keep the casing . Remember to leave an open space to put the match heads.
3. Insert the match heads and close the tip so they don’t fall out.
4. Open the clip so it is in the shape of a launch pad and place the rocket.
5. Start the rocket for liftoff. Remember to take precautionary measures when handling fire and be careful. If this home experiment works, it should launch as soon as the match heads are lit.

5. Environmental thermometer
What can be done with an empty bottle
Well , a simple home thermometer to measure the temperature of your room . It is one of the favorite and easiest home experiments for children to perform.
All you have to do is get a small plastic bottle (with its cap included), a little plasticine, scissors, a straw and food coloring.

This basic experience can be done in these simple steps.
1. We make a hole in the center of the bottle cap, using the scissors carefully. It has to be thick enough for the straw to pass through.
2. We will seal with the plasticine the gaps that may remain so that liquid does not leak.
3. We fill the bottle with water up to half and close the cap with the straw in the middle. It is important that the straw reaches the liquid , so if it falls short we will lower it.
4. To achieve a better effect, we can add dye to the water to observe the temperature changes that occur: when the heat increases, it will rise through the straw and the walls will be impregnated with the dye of the dye.

6. Invisible ink
Many home experiments for children will leave them speechless, especially when they see a message suddenly appear on the paper .
You will need lemon juice, some water, a bowl, a cotton swab, a lighter and a sheet of paper.

1. Squeeze the juice into the bowl and also pour a few drops of water to mix it with. Use a coffee spoon and it will be enough.
2. Moisten the head of the ear swab to write your hidden message on the paper. The tip of a pen or a fountain pen is also useful , in case you want it to be left with a better calligraphy.
3.Let the ink dry on the paper. Once you do, the message will be hidden.
4. Place the paper over a lighted candle (close enough but not quite lit) or a light bulb that gives off enough heat. When the paper increases in temperature, the writing begins to become visible .

7. Obtain drinking water from salt water
Some home experiments for children like this one are a great proposal that take advantage of the resources that Mother Earth offers us so that we can take advantage of them.
In this case, we can make a water distiller that, although it would not be recommended for our consumption or that of our pets, it could be useful in case of survival on the high seas.. What we will need is nothing more than a receptacle, such as a bucket or a saucepan, a glass, a small plastic lid (it can be cling film) and a stone or a weight.

1. The first step is to fill the container with the water that we want to make drinkable.
2. We place the glass in the center, without the water covering it and filling it. If necessary,We leave the weight inside the glass to keep it stable and prevent it from floating if the water level is too high.
3.Cover the hole with plastic or a lid without it being in contact with the surface of the water and well sealed, so that there are no leaks.
4. We will put another stone on this cover towards the center. Being curved, the water vapor will slide down and fall into the glass . Obviously, the weight should not be too great or it will break the plastic.
5. We place the container under the sun, so that it heats up, like thiscondensation will allow fresh water suitable for drinking. Now, it is one of those home experiments that will take time to take effect , since it takes several hours.

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