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Hipster style: origins and trends

Being hipster: after this post you will no longer have any doubts and you can follow all the trends related to it! Hipster meaning and origins of this style What is the meaning of hipster? We are not sure about the etymology...

The best products of Dea Flavor

Among the most well-known brands in the sector of liquids for electronic cigarettes there is certainly Dea Flavor liquid ready , a company that has been able to be appreciated for its products. This is demonstrated by the appreciation...

How to do Yoga at home: everything you need

You often feel the need to unplug a little and indulge in a moment of pure relaxation. Do you feel the need to stretch after a hard day at your desk and in front of the computer? Are you...

World famous Italian models

After talking about the most popular Italian models in Italy and abroad , now it's the turn of the boys. Let's find out together who are the famous and popular Italian models all over the world.  Mariano di Vaio Fashion blogger...

Rosso Valentino, the history of the Italian designer’s color

History is not made up only of great events and heroic deeds. History, the one that draws, dresses and leads to myth men like everyone but with an exceptional inspiration, and made up of episodes that, at times, even...

Clothing and style: choose the right clothes according to your body shape

How many times have you seen a dress that you adore and would like to wear in a catalog or on display? You go to the store, you try it on and you realize that the final effect does...

Christmas gifts for her: our “fashion” tips

Christmas gifts for her: our fashion tips in this Christmas post Christmas gifts for her: men listening, take notes and don't lose focus! The Nativity is closer than it seems and you cannot make a bad impression on your women. And...

Discovering the outfits that love sneakers

Each season brings with it an intrinsic desire for change, capable of reflecting on the mood of every day. It is an innate attitude, which can be 'told' through a much loved and completely subjective activity in the times...

Blue fish diet to return to the top before summer

Get back in shape before summer through the blue fish diet . What is it about? It is a type of low- calorie diet but rich in polyunsaturated fats, high biological value proteins and omega 3 that help reduce...

Paris Fashion Week men: tops and flops

The event dedicated to the presentation of the fall / winter 2017 collections was held in the last few days in the fashion capital par excellence: Paris Fashion Week ! Many brands that participated in the event, not only French,...


25 phrases to congratulate a birth

The most beautiful thing that can happen to parents is to have a child. If you want to congratulate them on the great event,...