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10 favorite and cheap destinations to spend the winter in the warmth

Cold, plummeting temperatures: “well” winter is back ! It is now time to cover up and hold out until next spring to enjoy the mild temperatures and the sun that warms the soul a little. Most of us dream of...

10 VIP couples: women of the show and sports

The world of sport and entertainment has often come together to give us unforgettable love stories . Beautiful women always in the spotlight have chosen as fascinating and talented sports men as companions. There are many sports-entertainment couples who have...

Zodiac signs: here are the luckiest of the zodiac

Being lucky, having a stroke of luck, being kissed by luck… and so on. There is really something for every taste of similar expressions aimed at expressing the generosity of fate . But is it true the belief that...

Saudi Arabia: Women will now be able to drive trains

Saudi women reach a new milestone. If until 2018 they could not even drive cars, today they can drive trains. A small step towards women's emancipation in a country where discrimination and violence are unfortunately still on the agenda. Saudi...

Gay couples and VIPs, the most famous coming out of the show

Since civil unions have gradually become legal in the most famous areas of the United States, the marriages of gay couples of VIPs who for years had hoped to get married legally have multiplied . There are those who got...

What’s your personality? The position and length of the fingers reveal this

Have you ever thought that from the careful analysis of apparently innocuous and simple details, such as the position and length of the fingers , important information could be obtained about your personality and your love life ? That's right:...

Like mother like son: 17 very famous stars with their mothers

It can be said that we know VIPs well but have you ever wondered what their mothers are like ? How old are they and would you be able to recognize them? Some of them look a lot like...

Low cost fashion: 6 tricks to look refined

Unless you have very high salaries, all of us mere mortals have typically stocked our wardrobes in low-cost chain stores , compared to high-end competitors. And who has never bought a cardigan or a T-shirt even at the market? However,...

Engagement rings: the 10 most beautiful and most expensive of the stars

The engagement ring is considered a token of love. The moment when the lover gives it to his future bride is always moving and will be remembered for a lifetime. No woman wants to give it up. Vip or not,...

Lady D’s dresses in The Crown 4: Diana’s most beautiful looks in the series

Lady D: princess, activist, style icon. Her unforgettable looks have distinguished her since her first appearances and, even today, her style is copied and celebrated by first ladies, princesses, stylists and creatives. Her outfits made history and contributed to making...