Beautiful, rich and smart too ! Many of the VIPs , foreigners and non-foreigners, are people who have finished their studies with a degree . Engineering, chemistry, neuroscience, many and very famous universities attended by famous people.
Unlike the ill-thinking, behind a beautiful face and a career as a star, there were many studying hard at the same time as their work as actors or singers. There are those who have had to put their career aside for some time in order to graduate, there are also those who have had to change country and have succeeded in achieving their studies and professional life.
So, at the base of so much success , put away the weapons of envy, because it is certainly also thanks to the intelligence of these VIPs. Stubbornness, a pinch of luck, which never hurts, and above all hard work even behind the school desks are the only weapons to be truly fulfilled.
10) Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster , born in Los Angeles in 1962 , is the youngest of four children and has acted since childhood. She made her debut at the age of three in various commercials and at the age of 10, in 1972, she starred in the film Two girls and a lion . Simultaneously with work as an actress, Jodie Foster always studied. At some point in her career, he had to let go of his job to finally finish his studies and graduate in English literature from Yale . After graduating, the actress resumed work at full capacity, never leaving the stage.

9) Rowan Atkinson
Rowan Atkinson is known for playing the comedic character of Mr. Bean . Born in Consett in 1955 , the actor attended Newcastle University and The Queen’s College of Oxford University , where he graduated in electrical engineering . While playing a not-too-smart-looking character, Atkinson achieved top marks and the academic kissfor his dissertation. Unlike many of his colleagues, he entered the world of comics only as an adult, after his studies, by meeting the famous Richard Curtis .

8) Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger , born in 1947 in Austria, grew up practicing many sports and at the age of 14 he chose to pursue a career as a bodybuilder. But at the same time as hard sports training, Arnold proves to be an excellent student. In fact, the 38th Governor of California, despite the harsh trials of life and after moving to the United States , in 1973 began taking courses in business administration at the University of California , Los Angeles, managing to obtain a degree.

7) Natalie Portman
Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem in 1981 , and is an Israeli actress and director naturalized in the United States. Natalie enrolled and graduated from Harvard University , studying psychology and acting at Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Camp . The little girl who drove the serious Jean Reno crazy in the cult film Leon and Oscar winner in 2011 for the Black Swan , speaks even 6 languages and has obtained the publication of two of her scientific articleson as many undoubtedly prestigious magazines.

6) Giorgio Chiellini
Giorgio Chiellini was born in Pisa in 1984 and is an Italian footballer. He was considered one of the best defenders of his generation, and was an excellent student. In fact, he achieved scientific high school diploma with a grade of 92/100 and, in 2010, he graduated in economics and commerce at the University of Turin with a final grade of 109/110 presenting a thesis that dealt with the balance of a sports club .

5) Mayim Bialik
Mayim Bialik was born in San Diego in 1975 , in addition to being a good actress she really successfully completed her studies. In fact, she Mayim attended UCLA University , California at Los Angeles, earning degrees in neuroscience , Hebrew language and Hebrew studies . In addition, she continued her studies in neuroscience leading to the title of PhD .

4) Giulio Berruti
Giulio Berruti , born in Rome in 1984 , is the actor of L’amore e imperfetto. The young man, after having obtained the scientific maturity and the professional diploma of dental technician , enrolled at the university and in 2010 he obtained a degree in dentistry and dental prosthesis . Subsequently he undertook the specialization in Orthodontics which he successfully finished in 2015.

3) Emma Watson
Emma Watson was born in Paris in 1990 . The young actress, famous for the role of Hermione Granger in Harry Potter , attended the first two years at the Brown University of Rhode Island, studying history , and then moved to the University of Oxford , at Worcester College . Finally, she attended the last year graduating from the Brown University in 2014 in English literature .

2) Helium
Stefano Belisari , known under the pseudonym of Elio , was born in Milan in 1961 , and founded the complex of which he is leader in 1979, at the age of 18. In addition to graduating in flute at the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan , the singer graduated in 2002 at the Milan Polytechnic in electronic engineering .

1) Lisa Kudrow
The actress best known for her role as Phoebe in the television series Friends was born in Los Angeles in 1963. Initially Lisa Kudrow followed in her father’s footsteps by graduating with a degree in biology at Vassar College and only later began to devote herself to the theater.